Project name: Investment project to build villas and garden townhouses Van Tue - Sago Palm Garden

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Department of Planning and Investment of Hung Yen province issued on June 11, 2021 its notice of its notice of bid invitation for project of Investment project to build villas and garden townhouses Van Tue - Sago Palm Garden with details as follows:

Procuring agency: Department of Planning and Investment of Hung Yen province

Project name: Investment project to build villas and garden townhouses Van Tue - Sago Palm Garden “Notice ref No 20210636725 - 00. Date of publication: 11/06/2020 15:50"

Project's investment objectives: Invest in the construction of villas and townhouses for sale and Clubhouse commercial service business

Scale of the project investment: The project's land area is about: 51,513 m2; population size is about: 881 people; Scale of products and services provided: Villa houses: 46 units, townhouses: 159 units, Clubhouse: 01 complex including entertainment services, sports facilities, fishing houses clubs: 30,000 to 50,000 visitors/year; scale of construction investment: the investor is responsible for the construction of housing works, commercial and service works, traffic works, technical and social infrastructure... in accordance with the Regulations. Detailed construction plan of 1/500 scale has been approved by the Provincial People's Committee

Preliminary total project implementation cost: VND 927.965.000.000

Compensation, support and resettlement expense: VND 399.000.000.000

Summary of the basic requirements of the project: Investors must meet the provisions of the Law on Bidding, the Law on Investment, the Law on Housing, the Law on Real Estate Business, the Law on Land, the Law on Construction and a number of other relevant laws. - Invest in the construction of works according to the approved planning, in accordance with the approved design project, on the required schedule; have appropriate technological plans and construction design plans, protect the landscape and environment, conform to natural and social conditions, comply with standards, technical regulations and relevant laws mandarin

Investment duration and schedule: The project's operation term is 50 years from the date the investor is granted the investor's written approval. - Investment progress: Complete the project within 24 months (02 years) from the date of being selected as the investor to implement the project

Project location: At the land area of about 51,513 m2 in Phung Cong commune, Van Giang district, Hung Yen province. Location of the land: the North borders Van Giang commercial and tourist urban area (Ecopark), the South borders the handicraft land of Phung Cong commune, the East borders the Van Giang commercial and tourist urban area (Ecopark). , the West borders the Red River dyke corridor (provincial road 195)

Land area: Approximately 51,513 m2

Land use's purpose: The land use purpose of the project is determined as urban land

Approved planning criteria: According to the detailed construction planning of 1/500 scale approved by the Provincial People's Committee

Deadline for investors to submit their project implementation registration document:17/07/2021 16:00

Address, phone number, fax number of the Department of Planning and Investment: Department of Planning and Investment of Hung Yen province, No. 08 Chuong Chuong Street, Hien Nam Ward, Hung Yen City, Hung Yen Province. Phone number: 02213864161, Fax: 02213 550 834

Other information: The land area of about 50,743 m2 is non-agricultural production land, currently still managed and used by Dai Hung Construction Materials Trading Joint Stock Company (for the project "Brick and tile factory) Tuynel" of Dai Hung Construction Material Manufacturing Trading Joint Stock Company approved by the Provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 22/QD-UBND dated February 29, 2016; adjusted in Decision No. 2588/ QD-UBND dated November 15, 2016, the Department of Planning and Investment issued Notice No. 1041/TB-SKHĐT dated May 28, 2021 to terminate the project) and there is about 770 m2 of land area as a coastal canal. boundary between the project and the Ecopark urban area. The investor who wins the bid is responsible for buying back the land user's property (in the form of an agreement) and paying the former land owner's state budget refunds (if any) to make compensation. Usually, clearance.

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