Procurement package: Electric cables and electric wire for block 09-1 under Vietsovpetro’s Bidding Package No. VT-484/19-CD (Notice ref No.: 20190850047 - 00. Date of publication: 20/08/2019 16:37)
Time of selling bidding documents: from 08:00 am, 26/08/2019 to 09:00 am, 16/09/2019 (during office hours)
Bid closing time: 09:00 am, 16/09/2019
Bid opening time: 09:30 am, 16/09/2019
Now we would like to extend:
Time of selling bidding documents: until 9:00 am, 27/9/2019 (during office hours)
Bid closing time: 9:00 am, 27/9/2019
Bid opening time: 9:30 am, 27/9/2019
(Date of extension: 16/09/2019 15:39)