WWF - Viet Nam: Calls for proposal

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“Development of Eco-tourism master plans for Bach Ma National Park, Phong Dien Nature Reserve, and Sao La Nature Reserve for the period of 2022-2030"

WWF - Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation would like to invite consultants to submit their proposal for the “Development of Eco-tourism master plans for Bach Ma National Park, Phong Dien Nature Reserve, and Sao La Nature Reserve for the period of 2022-2030."

Detailed information can be found here:



Consultants are invited to submit electronic proposals via email. Consultants who intend to submit electronic proposals must observe the following instructions:

- The proposal shall be separated in two files: one for the technical proposal and one for the financial proposal.

- The file for the financial proposal shall be protected by a password which shall be kept with the consultant. If the consultant passes the technical requirement threshold, WWF-Viet Nam would then request the password to open the financial proposal file. However, if the consultant loses the password or in case the file cannot be opened, WWF-Viet Nam will not assume responsibility.

- The electronic file shall be in the form of MS word or MS excel or PDF.

- Please send the electronic proposal to WWF-Viet Nam’s designated mailbox at procurement@wwf.org.vn.

- Your e-mail must have the subject heading “Ref FY22-1441/BCA- [name of consultant] – Proposal Submission”.

- Please be aware that bids or proposals emailed to WWF-Viet Nam will be rejected if they are received after the deadline. As an email may take some time to arrive after it is sent, especially if it contains a lot of information, we advise all consultants to send email submissions well before the deadline.

- The maximum size per email that WWF-Viet Nam can receive is 25MB.

The deadline for submission is July 22, 2022 at 11:30 am (ICT).

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