Procuring agency: PetroVietnam Long Phu 1 Power Project Management Board

Name of procurement: Bidding package No. 25 “Assessment on the EPC package current status, establishment of adjusted total investment budget, EPC package cost estimation and preparation of bidding documents for remaining works of the EPC contract, Long Phu 1 Thermal Power Plant Project” (Notice ref No IB2300053377 - 00. Date of publication: 30/03/2023 16:38)

- Implementation period: 120 days

Project name: Long Phu 1 Thermal Power Plant Project

Source of fund: The contingency capital of the total investment budget of Long Phu 1, which is approved by Decision No. 5843/QĐ-DKVN dated 02 July 2010 of PVN’s Board of Directors

Method of bidder selection: International open bidding, one-stage two envelope bidding

Time of issuing bidding documents: from 04:38 pm, 30 March 2023 to 02:00 pm, 17 May 2023 (during office hours)

Place of issuing bidding documents:

Price of bidding documents: VND 5,000,000

Bid closing time: 02:00 pm, 17 May 2023

Bid opening time: 02:30 pm, 17 May 2023.

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