Procuring agency: PetroVietnam Long Phu 1 power Project Management Board

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Name of procurement package: Engineering, Procurement, Delivery, Installation Supervisor, Commissioning of equipment of Gate and Screen for the intake channel of 2x600 MW Long Phu 1 Thermal Power Plant Project “Notice ref No 20220311694 - 00. Date of publication: 07/03/2022 10:20" - Implementation period: 225 days

Project name: Long Phu 1 Thermal Power Plant Project

Source of fund: The contingency capital of 2x600 Long Phu 1 Thermal Power Plant Project (Decree No. 1247/NQ-DKVN of Board members of PVN)

Method of bidder selection: International open bidding, one-stage two envelope bidding

Time of issuing bidding documents: from 10:20 am, 07 March 2022 to 09:00 am, 19 April 2022 (during office hours)

Place of issuing bidding documents:

Price of bidding documents: VND 1,000,000

Bid security: VND 1,100,000,000 through banks or branches which legally operate in Viet Nam

Bid closing time: 09:00 am, 19 April 2022

Bid opening time: 09:30 am, 19 April 2022.

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