Procurement package: Slings, Shackles for POC RC-8 (package No.VT-691/22-XL-DA-TTHN). (Notice ref No.: IB2200101783 - 00. Date of publication: 26/12/2022 15:40)
Project name: Slings, Shackles for POC RC-8 (package No.VT-691/22-XL-DA-TTHN)
Time of issuing bidding documents: from 03:40 pm, 26 December 2022 to 09:00 am, 06 February 2023 (during office hours)
Bid closing time: 09:00 am, 06 February 2023.
Now we would like to change:
Time of issuing bidding documents: before 09:00 am, 13 February 2023 (during office hours)
Bid opening time: 09:30 am, 13 February 2023
Other information remains unchanged