Name of project: Investment in the construction of a commercial and service center combined with commercial townhouses in Lam Ha ward, Phu Ly city

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Joint Venture of Phuong Bac Joint Stock Company- Thi Son Company and South Hanoi Housing and Urban Development Corporation have been shortlisted for project of Investment in the construction of a commercial and service center combined with commercial townhouses in Lam Ha ward, Phu Ly city with details as follows:

Name of project: Investment in the construction of a commercial and service center combined with commercial townhouses in Lam Ha ward, Phu Ly city “Notice ref No 20200203348-00”

Provincial People’s Committe implementing the projects: People's Committee of Ha Nam province

Decision of approval of shortlist: Decision no. 1292/QĐ-UBND dated 30/06/2020 by People's Committee of Ha Nam province

Name of Investor:

1. Joint Venture of Phuong Bac Joint Stock Company- Thi Son Company;

2. South Hanoi Housing and Urban Development Corporation

Investor’s address:

1. Le Cong Thanh street is extended, Lam Ha ward, Phu Ly city, Ha Nam province

2. Cau Giat industrial cluster, Chuyen Ngoai ward, Duy Tien town, Ha Nam province

Country or where Investor registered his business: Viet Nam

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