Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province: Urban residential area in the North of Trung Vuong commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province

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Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province issued on March 3, 2021 its notice of its notice of bid invitation for project of Urban residential area in the North of Trung Vuong commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province with details as follows:

Procuring agency: Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province

Project name: Urban residential area in the North of Trung Vuong commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province “Notice ref No 20210307767 - 00. Date of publication: 03/03/2020 16:10"

Project's investment objectives: Invest in building urban residential area in the North of Trưng Vương commune with synchronous social infrastructure works system and technical infrastructure works system that meets the housing demands of the people; Contribute to gradual improvement of technical infrastructure works, social infrastructure works system of the urban area; Improve environment, beautify landscape architectural space for Trung Vuong commune in particular and Viet Tri city in general; Gradually complete the housing targets in Phu Tho town under the Housing Development Program of Phu Tho province to 2020 and orientations to 2030, approved by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province under Decision No. 03/2018./QD-UBND dated February 2, 2018. At the same time, raise the standards of grade-III urban areas prescribed in Resolution No. 1210/2016/UBTVQH13 dated May 25, 2016 of the NA Standing Committee on urban classification

Scale of the project investment: Construction of Bac Trung Vuong New Urban Area, Viet Tri City includes adjacent houses, villas, social houses; cultural housing works in residential areas, educational works with modern architectural forms; green trees, technical infrastructure systems which are built synchronously, land area: 244.130,3 m2 (24,41ha) , in particular: - Structures - Technical infrastructure system: - In compliance with the detailed construction plan rated 1/500, approved by Phu Tho People’s Committee at Decision No1541/QD-UBND dated July 14, 2020 and the written approval of the investment policy No. 5863/UBND-KTN dated December 29, 2020

Preliminary total project implementation cost: VND 1.252.650.000.000

Compensation, support and resettlement expense: VND

Summary of the basic requirements of the project: Bac Trung Vuong New Urban Area, Viet Tri City includes adjacent houses, villas, social houses; cultural housing works in residential areas, educational works with modern architectural forms; green trees, flower gardens, technical infrastructure systems which are built synchronously, specifically: 1. Structures: 2. Technical infrastructure system: 3. Area of land for construction of social houses: Land for construction of social houses with the symbol OXH, with an area of 20,038.60 m2. 4. In compliance with the detailed construction plan rated 1/500, approved by Phu Tho People’s Committee at Decision No1541/QD-UBND dated July 14, 2020 and the written approval of the investment policy No. 5863/UBND-KTN dated December 29, 2020

Investment duration and schedule: Term of investment: Accomplish before 31/12/2027 from the date of being recognised as an investor. - Schedule of investment: + From the thirdth quarter of 2020 to the end of the fourth quarter of 2021: Formulate and submit to competent authorities for approval the project investment policy; organize selection of project investor according to regulations; + From the first quarter of 2022 to the end of the fourth quarter of 2027: Carry out procedures in accordance with the law on construction, law on land and other relevant laws and regulations; invest in construction and complete technical infrastructure works and architectural works systems under the 1/500 rate detailed plan 1/500 scale approved by competent authorities; organize acceptance, handover and put the works to use according to regulations

Project location: In Trung Vuong commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province

Land area: Area: 244.130,3 m2; ≈ (24,41ha)

Land use's purpose: To build adjacent houses, villas, social houses, public works (Residential cultural house) and educational works (Kindergarten); green trees, sports, roads; technical infrastructure land

Approved planning criteria: Estimated population of the area is about 3.400 people; Land use, soicial and technical infrastructure targets: Details of the invitation to inform interest and profile requests for a summary of energy, experience attached

Deadline for investors to submit their project implementation registration document: 3:00 pm,06 April 2021

Address, phone & fax number of the Department of Planning and Investment: Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province, Tran Phu Street, Tan Dan Ward, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province; Phone number: 02103.846.581

Other information: Current condition of the land: The area to implement project includes: agricultural land, water surface lakes and ponds, long term tree planting land and part of existing residential land, cemetary land, water surface land, traffic land.

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