Change of time of selling bidding document and bid closing time

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Power Grid Project Management Board - Northern Power Corporation published Invitation to bid on Vietnam Public Procurement Review issue No. 12 dated 19 January 2022 with the following contents:

Procurement package: Package NPC-KFW3-110TT-W01: Construction of Thach Thanh 110 kV Transmission Line and Substations “Notice ref No 20220137414 - 01. Date of publication: 18/01/2022 10:13"

Project name: Project Efficient Power Grids in Small and Medium-Sized Cities - Phase 2

Time of issuing bidding documents: from 08:00 am, 21 January 2022 to 09:00 am, 02 March 2022 (during office hours)

Bid closing time: 09:00 am, 02 March 2022.

Now we would like to change:

Time of issuing bidding documents: before 09:00 am, 09 March 2022 (during office hours)

Bid closing time: 09:00 am, 09 March 2022

Other information remains unchanged

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