Procuring agency: Cat Loi Joint Stock Company
Name of procurement package: Supply and install 02 filter-rod machine, speed of 500 m/minute, 100% brand new “Notice ref No 20210364531 - 01. Date of publication: 27/03/2021 15:32"
- Implementation period: 360 days
Project name: Invest 02 filter-rod machine, speed of 500 m/minute, 100% brand new
Source of fund: Own capital of Cat Loi Joint Stock Company
Method of bidder selection: International open bidding, one-stage two envelope bidding
Time of issuing bidding documents: from 11:32 am, 27 March 2021 to 09:30 am, 12 May 2021 (during office hours)
Place of issuing bidding documents:
Price of bidding documents: VND 2,500,000 or USD 100
Bid security: VND 914,000,000 or EUR 32,000 The Bidder shall furnish a Bid Security in the form of either a letter of credit or a bank guarantee from a bank or credit institution lawfully operating in Vietnam or a deposit in cheque.
Bid closing time: 09:30 am, 12 May 2021
Bid opening time: 10:00 am, 12 May 2021.