Binh Dinh Department of Planning and Investment: Converting part of Nhon Hoi Tourist Service - Trade Center Project area to urban residential land

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Binh Dinh Department of Planning and Investment issued on November 31, 2020 its notice of its notice of bid invitation for project of Converting part of Nhon Hoi Tourist Service - Trade Center Project area to urban residential land with details as follows:

Name of entity: Binh Dinh Department of Planning and Investment

Project name: Converting part of Nhon Hoi Tourist Service - Trade Center Project area to urban residential land (Notice ref. No.: 20201191547 - 00. Date of publication: 2:43 pm, 30/11/2020)

Project's investment objectives: To construct a new urban area with synchronous and strong connection with the infrastructure and in harmony with the architecture of the existing works, projects and natural landscapes at the gateway area of Nhon Hoi Economic Zone, which is aimed at forming a spacious and modern architectural space, complete technical and social infrastructure network in order to create a green, clean and beautiful urban environment. + To create land resource for housing construction to serve the settlement needs of business, investors and people living and working in Nhon Hoi economic zone.

Scale of the project investment: To establish a new urban area covering approximately 38.83 ha

Preliminary total project implementation cost: VND 1.836.244.000.000

Compensation, support and resettlement expense: VND116.006.480.627

Summary of the basic requirements of the project: Investing in the construction of synchronous technical and social infrastructure works of the project, meeting the progress requirements of the project, ensuring necessary conditions to serve the settlement needs of entrepreneurs, investors and people living and working in the urban area. + The construction works have harmonious architecture, provide aesthetic appeal, which contribute to the landscape of the area. + Ensuring the synchronization, close connection of technical and social infrastructure and harmonious linkage of the landscape architecture with the specific conditions of Nhon Hoi Tourist Service and Trade Center Project under constructionn. In particular, it is not to cause any problems or impacts on the activities of the existing project mentioned above.

Investment duration and schedule: The completion of the entire project must not exceed 60 months from the effective date of the project implementation contract or being recognized as the project investor.

Project location: The project planning area is located in Hoi Tan village, Nhon Hoi commune, Quy Nhon city, which belongs to Sub-zone 4, Nhon Hoi economic zone.

Land area: 38.83 ha

Land use's purpose: Land for urban residence, trade and service, kindergartens, culture, markets, health care clinics... with specific purposes as specified in Appendix 1.

Approved planning criteria: Please refer to the construction zoning planning project of 1/2000 scale of Nhon Hoi urban industrial park (Sub-zone 4),), Nhon Hoi EZ approved by the People's Committee of Binh Dinh Province in Decision No. 3562 / QD-UBND August 28, 2020.

Deadline for investors to submit their project implementation registration document: 8:00 am, 31 December 2020

Contact: Binh Dinh Department of Planning and Investment - Address: 35 Le Loi, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province - Phone number: (0256) 3822628 - Fax number: (0256) 3824509

Other information: Total land area for project implementation is: 38.83ha (388,300 m2). Current status of the land includes: Land with housing and garden land: 0.1802 ha (1,802 m2); Land with perennial crops and trees: 0.48623 ha (4,862.3 m2); Aquaculture land: 1,31487 ha (13,148.7 m2); Land for trade and service: 36,8487 ha (368,487 m2). The project's location is in an area with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions.

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